Our services includes the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of the equipment by means of contracts of preventive maintenance and immediate technical attendance.
VINCA EQUIPOS INDUSTRIALES S.A. offers a service of professional technical attendance, with workers well formed and equipped, with means and suitable materials. This structure allows to reach the proposed objective: to offer a good service.

After-sales department
Our after sales department is formed by:
- 16 People with strong mechanical and electrical formation.
- 14 vans totally equipped for works of maintenance and repair, with equipment of measurement and test , with elements of security for the prevention of labor risks.
- 1 spare part department.
- 1 electromechanical factory with capacity to design, to make and to repair machinery and electrical components.
- 3 Safety Platforms.
- 2 Baskets Model PETRA.
- Network of local distributors with personnel formed in our main factory: fast and effective service in any point of Spain including the Canary Islands.
Quality politics
The quality of our services has been endorsed by TUV International with certification ISO 9001:2015